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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Expanded Lungs may sink due to Atelectasis

Question 68
Expanded Lungs may sink due to
a.       Atelectasis
b.      Putrefaction
c.       Mouth to mouth respiration
d.      Alcoholic fixationMeconium aspiration
a. Atelectatis
P.C.Dikshit 1st Edition Page 321
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Hydrostatic Test is also called as Raygat’s Test
·        First noted by Scheyer in 1683
·        Done to determine whether the child was live born or still born
·        Specific gravity of lung decreases from 1040 - 1050 (more than water) to 940 (less than water) after respiration
·        If lung sinks à Unexpanded Lung àNo Respiration
·        If lungs Float à Expanded Lung à Child has taken the first breadth
·        Expanded Lungs may sink due to
o       Diseases
§        Acute pulmonary Edema
§        Pneumonia
§        Congenital syphilis
o       Atelectasis (non expansion)
§        Air not reaching the alveoli due to feeble respiration
§        Complete absorption of air from lungs by blood if circulation continue after respiration has been stopped or a state of asphyxia
§        More air being expelled from the lungs during expiration due to recoil of lung tissue
§        Obstruction by alveolar duct membrane
o       Drowning
§        When birth occurs in toilet bowl or bucket containing water
·        Unexpanded Lungs may float due to
o       Putrefaction
o       Artificial inflation – eg : mouth to mouth respiration
o       Alcoholic fixation
·        This test is not needed when
o       Fetus < 180 days
o       Fetus is a monster
o       Fetus is macerated or mummified
o       Umbilical cord is separated or cicatrized
o       Stomach contains milk
o       Whole of thorax contents float

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